INRALS Life Sciences Market Intelligence insights for Switzerland

As a member of INRALS (International Network of Recruitment Agencies in Life Sciences), CK Group proudly share our most recent Life Sciences Market Knowledge publication.

The publication is a compilation of facts, figures, trends and other valuable Life Sciences market insights per country, presented to you by a selection of INRALS members around the globe, including CK QLS’s contribution to the Life Sciences market in Switzerland.

The compilation also features insights countries such as Sweden, France, Ireland and The Netherlands. You can download the full report to benefit from these findings here.

INRALS members are high quality agencies who combine local expertise with global reach to support you in Life Science recruitment.

The series of quick, informative overviews will be continued with editions by other members in other countries. To stay informed on the market on a global scale, go to the INRALS website here.

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