We can help you find the job you’ve always dreamed of.
Take the next step to find a job you love with us.
Since 1991, we’ve been a specialist in scientific, clinical and technical recruitment, and have found jobs for thousands of talented job seekers like you.
Based in Zug, Switzerland, we work in the chemical, engineering, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, and have strong relationships with some of the world’s leading organisations. From small independent start-ups to global blue chip companies, we can help you work with them.
Whether you are looking for your first industry job or your next big career move, by working with us, we can give you access to exciting opportunities across Switzerland. Our dedicated international team of recruiters are experts in their field, and on hand to share their knowledge with you throughout the job hunting process and beyond.

Here are some of our tools to help you…
CK+ account
CK+ is our members account that allows you to apply for our jobs wherever you are, at the click of a button. You can update your CV at anytime, save jobs you are interested in, and personalize your profile to suit your requirements. We’ll even send you job alerts, so you never have to worry about missing out on your dream role.
Careers advice
You can find some useful resources in our candidate zone, designed to help you get the most out of your job hunt. Take a look at our articles:
Meet your recruitment team
We have a really fantastic team of recruiters with years of experience in the science, clinical and technical markets. They can offer careers advice, introduce you to industry contacts, and help you take the best next step in your career.
Refer a friend
Do you have friends or colleagues looking for a new role? Our refer a friend scheme means you’ll get a 50 CHF Amazon voucher when you direct them to us and we successfully find them a job. It’s simple!